Athiya Shetty, who made her debut with the 2015 film Hero, has been missing from the film circuit ever since. In fact there has been no update what so ever of the actress signing any other project after Hero. Now, we came across this image of Athiya Shetty training in mixed martial arts.
Apparently Athiya is currently training with grand master Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj who incidentally is the Chief commando mentor of the elite Special Forces. If the rigorous training regime wasn’t enough, we hear that Athiya has been waking up at 6 AM as part of the exercise. Though we don’t know yet if the said training is for a film, we are sure that Athiya Shetty will be fighting fit for her next.
Selvam pillai says
I must say that you are the one of the luckiest person in the world to get trained by grandmaster shifuji MR.shaurya bhardwaj. i sorry if i mentioned name wrong , i saw this Master extraordinary performance, stunts in youtube followed by mission(prahar) and vision to give train self defence to 1 million women and being a ex- commando and commando trainer the way he took our indian defense team to next level that was a proud things to mention and many other and shifuji and police training after the mumbai attack was awesome move were the opponent have 0% to defend. i want to know if shifuji don’t mind how come you give such kind of priceless time and hard work and positive towards you able to give where some of fail. it would be my pleasure that i came to know about you.
Thank you
Selvam Pillai