Athiya Shetty, who made her debut with the 2015 film Hero, has been missing from the film circuit ever since. In fact there has been no update what so ever of the actress signing any other project after Hero. Now, we came across this image of Athiya Shetty training in mixed martial arts.
Apparently Athiya is currently training with grand master Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj who incidentally is the Chief commando mentor of the elite Special Forces. If the rigorous training regime wasn’t enough, we hear that Athiya has been waking up at 6 AM as part of the exercise. Though we don’t know yet if the said training is for a film, we are sure that Athiya Shetty will be fighting fit for her next.
Athiya is training under grand master Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj
Athiya Shetty reveals the secret behind her fit bod
With years of martial art experience behind him, Suniel Shetty is known for his love for working out. And it seems like his daughter is following his footsteps. After making an impressive debut in ‘Hero’ opposite Sooraj Pancholi, Athiya Shetty has taken up Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training to stay in shape. The actress showed interest in changing her exercise regimen and decided to pursue MMA training . A source close to the star says that Athiya is enjoying herself so much that she ensures she doesn’t skip any of her unusual workout sessions. And the results, say insiders are showing.
Athiya is training under grand master Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj, who in the past is said to have trained the special armed force commando units of different security forces. Bhardwaj also worked with Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger Shroff in ‘Baaghi’.
The actress says that her new training has made her stronger, helps her relieve stress and focus better. In an interview with a daily, Athiya said, “It is the highlight of my day, whether it is waking up at 6 am for it or ending my day with it. It might sound crazy, but if you have faith and if you believe, you can achieve so much. It’s all about training your mind.”