“ना हिंदुओं से ना मुसलमानों से, मेरे मुल्क को तक़लीफ़ है बेईमानो से ।
ना सूटो से, ना दुश्मनो के झूटों से,
मेरा वतन तो परेशन है खुद देश के कपूतो से!
Not with Hindu, Not with Muslims, My Country is brusied by its own traitors.
Not from ashes, Not from Enemies, My Motherland is backstabbed by her own Children’s Degenrates.” -Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bharadwaj
Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bharadwaj is the World’s best Commando trainer and Founder of Mission Prahar, among many other hats he dons. But what stands out about this legendary man who has trained lakhs of women in self- defense is his delightful connect with youths and love for his Motherland.
When asked about his opinion on the ongoing JNU stir which has our country divided and broken, this is what he had to say-
“ जिस देश में अगर तुम पैदा हुए और देश के अगर तुम भक्त नही;
तो ना माँ का तुमने दूध पिया और बाप का तुम में रक्त नहीं ।
The country in which you are born and if you are not devoted to this country then man, neither you are grateful to your nurturer nor do you have blood of your father running in your veins. “
Shifuji is of the opinion that those who shout chants of anti-national sentiments and protest against the hanging of a certain man who happens to have attacked the Parliament of India, how can they be the ones who utilize jobs, reservations, facilities and citizenship of India?) You stay here, then why sing praises of theirs?
In his words,
“कि नौकरी हम से चाहिए, खाना, रिज़र्वेशन, कोटा, स्कूल कॉलेज सब हमारे देश और सरकार से चाहिये
, हर चीज़ तू यहा की खाता है तो कंबख़त तू गीत उनके क्यों गाता है.”
His advice to both warring sides who resort to violence through words and actions, be it lawyers thrashing students or students shouting Anti National slogans, is one and the same-
“क्रांति विचारो से आएगी हथियारो से नहीं
~शहीद भगत सिंह जी।
हर वो आचार जो राष्ट्र प्रेम के लिए है वो सदाचार है और जो राष्ट्र बाटने के लिए हो वो हथियार कहलाएगा.
Revolution comes through awakened intentions not through violence said Shaheed Bhagat Singh.
But every action that is for betterment of India is a constructive force and every action which is dividing country in two is destructive and it is this very action that should be stopped, immediately.”
He then adds with a sense of pain and urgency,
“अपनी व्यक्तिगत सोच इस देश पे ना हावी कर,
और बाँटना है तो जा और कहीं और जाके दूसरे देश में मर।
Be it right or wrong according to your personal opinion, please do not belittle the sacrifice of every soldier fighting at borders just for your personal agendas. Its shameful.”
When quizzed about Hindu- Muslim divide leading to massacre of innocent humans. He powerfully exhorts, “Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc are the religions you divide me by. I say a Muslim is taught Hubbul WatanI Analle Iman (loving one’s motherland is part of a man), for a Hindu it is मातृभूमि/ जन्मभूमि नमोः नमः, and so on.
I shout why man why? Love your motherland, kiss its sand and hug your birth givers. That is all is your duty, that is your birth duty. That is the only religion, one religion.
Before signing off he warns on behalf of every commando and solider he has spent his life with-
“माँ का आँचल ताड़ने तक ठीक है,
छूने के कोशिश मत करना वरना फाड़ देंगे,
बहुत आए हिंदू मुस्लिम को बाँटने वाले,
बंद कर कोशिशें अपनी वरना आग में तुम्हें गाड़ देंगे।
Beware! If you look to divide Bharat Maata, you will be the one divided, terribly divided. Motherland’s lap is patient enough with you, don’t you test her love. “
The Commando mentor overflowing with love for his motherland says that If Bharat Ma had a voice, she would simply say,
” जिन्हें हम हार समझ बेठे थे गला अपना सजाने को वही अब नाग बॅन बाते हम काट खाने को!
मिट्टी माँ कहती है
अब बस, मेरे मौन को कायरता ना मान
में ही हूँ तेरी पहचान और तेरे वजूद का अभिमान।
जय हिंद
Vande Mataram
Inquilab Zindabad.
Dinesh Kumar Meena says
Sir Mai aapka बहुत बडा fan हूं जय हिन्द जय भारत वंदेमातरम